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howdy! and welcome to toddland. how long will you be staying? hopefully forever. wait, that was creepy. let's try this again... toddland is our own little world that formerly only existed in our heads (along with our imaginary supermodel girlfriends and that little voice that tells us to burn things). we are just a few friends making things that we think are rad and hope that you think are rad too. (if you don't, please don't tell us, we already have enough self esteem issues) it's clothes not rocket science. we tried rocketry, in a few words, it did not end well. anyways, we believe if you are going to make something, make it as rad as possible. so here we are. #stayrad #makeradstuff #weownthosetrademarks #lawyersarefun #theymadeussaythat

stay rad logo cap - white front panel navy trucker

stay rad logo cap - white front panel navy trucker

$ 7.50 $ 15.00

it's a hat. put it on your head. or your taxidermy bear in your parent's living room.  but only with sunglasses on it.  taxidermy looks stupid with just a hat and no sunglasses. but you know that. tell others that don't.

* adjustable trucker style cap/hat.  solid twill front panel because the foam ones are eww, mesh other panels.  oh, and we made these from recycled bottles so maybe somebody hot at the gym actually held one that was made into this hat!

this is the logo that started it all.  when we originally started toddland, we would always sign our emails and all of our handwritten notes in our online store orders "stay rad". we figured that if somebody is buying our stuff, they are already pretty rad, and it never hurts to have a reminder to stay that way!

after enough love and attention from our friends and fans, we spun "stay rad" off into it's own brand and trademark.  it's a happy little phrase that we love, and every time we'd run a "branded" shirt with the logo on it, it would sell out, so here we are, back to restocking them!